![]() It was a dark, rainy night in early August. Her car had stalled right outside the swanky restaurant. Feeling a little embarrassed, she tossed the keys to the valet as if nothing was wrong. As the valet headed towards the drivers side, she ran like hell into the restaurant. Feeling as bit frazzled, she headed towards the ladies room. Once there, she let out a deep breath... "Whew! What the hell kind of day am i having!" she swore out loud. Walking up to the mirror she saw a piece of lint in her hair, a run in her pantyhose, and a piece of lettuce leftover from lunch stuck between her teeth. "You mean I went all freakin' day with lettuce in my teeth and no one told me!! Ok...ok girl, pull yourself together! You have an important meeting with an invester and his partner. Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out..ok whew!" After her little pep talk to herself, she freshened up, changed her hose,, and combed her hair back into place. As she did this, she tried not the think about the pissed off valet who was incharge of parking her car. As she walked out of the restroom she said to herself: "I bet he wants to kick my ass right now!" with a undure laugh. She walked up to the hostess and asked her did she have a Mr. Donald Patrick waiting for a Ms. Kyla Stevenson. The hostess nodded and said: "He's been anxiously expecting you...along with his guest...you know, they told us not to make a fuss, but...oh..i just can't believe...who is here with him!!" Kyla, not being in a mood to listen to some babbling, incoherent hostess, interrupted, smilied politely, and asked her at which table were they seated. "Table 7...oh my god!" She just rolled her eyes in frustration at teh hostess, and said: "Where do they find them!" The hostess only barely heard what Kyla said. "I beg your pardon?" "Oh nothing..Nothing. Table 7?" "Yes ma'am. Table 7." Then Kyla walked softly over the plush, luxurious jet black carpeting of the restaurant. For the life of her, she couldn't get over how beautiful this restaurant was. As she looked around, she noticed Don sitting at a table with someone whose back was to her, with long black hair and a black fedora. She said to herself: "Now, who would wear a black fedora inside a dimly lit restaurant? Kind of odd..." As Don noticed her from across the restaurant, he stood in excitement with a huge, proud smile on his face. She approached swiftly and with a "shut-up-and-smile" attitude, she walked towards the table. "Don! How are you? Long time no see, huh?" "Ms. Stevenson! How is everything?" And just as they unlocked their embrace, she saw him. The most gorgeous, most handsome, most unbelievably talented man she had ever seen...Michael Jackson. Michael, sitting there waiting politely for them to finish their little reunion, smiled at the both of them. Kyla stood there, mouth wide open in disbelief. Don, noticing her state, cleared his throat and formally introduced them. "Michael this is Ms. Kyla Stevenson. Kyla, this is Michael Jackson. Michael, being completely embarrassed by this incredibly beautiful woman staring at him, smiled, stood and reached out to shake her hand. Kyla just stood there, like a shocked teenaged girl meeting her idol for the very first time. Don...well Don was forgotten about the moment she set eyes on Michael. After about 30 seconds, she caught herself staring and closed her mouth. "I apoligize. I just...I just wasn't expecting to meet Michael Jackson in a restaurant tonight." Then she turns to Don: "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because i wanted it to be a surprise. I know how big of a fan you are so I asked Michael to come and sit in on one of our business meetings. And since out business concerns him, it didn't seem like a problen. Do you have a problem with it?" "No!No! No problem at all." Michael was utterly captivated by this woman. She struck something deep inside him with the tone of her voice, the mild swagger in her walk, and her legs...oh her legs looked as if she was a dancer or as if she worked out religiously. As she mad an attempt to sit in between them, Michael jumped up, and pulled out her chair. "Thank you." she smiled, still a little in shock. "You're welcome." Michael couldn't help noticing her gorgeous eyes. The color of the brown leather-bound classics in his library he had read so many times before. Brown and as deep as oceans. They swalled him up inside her soul. A baby dear. That's what the shape of them reminded him of. "A baby dear..." he mumbled out of control of his thoughts. "Did you say something Michael?" Don asked. "Uh. No, sorry. Just thinking" he said, looking down in embarrassment. "Well, shall we order?" Don asked. "Yeah. I'm starved. Don, you wouldn't believe what happened to me today!" Kyla said. The only thing she could do to keep from staring at Michael was to remble on and on about the terrible day she had. And as she talked, she spoke to both Don and Michael. She thought to herself: "Yeah girl, just play this cool and try not to scream out, AHHH!!! Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson!!! you're in control of yourself, Kyla. Breathe!" She continued: "So anyway, It started when I woke up this morning...30 minutes late for an important appointment because i forgot to set the alarm clock the night before. Then, as I was getting dressed so quickly, my nails tore a through 3 pairs of panty hose..." she blushed a little for saying the words "pany hose" in front of Michael. "Oh wait! let me back up a few situations. I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning the day before, so obviously i had none of my absolute, 'knock-'em-dead' business suits to wear, not that it mattered anyway you know, they'd all be pissed..." she stopped abruptly and looked at Michael. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Excuse my language!" Michael just smiled and nodded. She thought: "Girl, get a grip!! God give me strength..." "Really? you mean I didn't offend you?" she asked Michael. "No, not at all. Sometimes i get pissed too" he said jokingly to lighten the uncomfortable nature she was in. She just smiled and continued to babble away. "So, anyway, I finally made it to my car and what do i discover? I'm almost on empty! So, i had to stop at a gas station that looked kidn of shady, if you know what i mean. I think he gave me some contaminated gas or something because my car has been stalling all day. So i finally get to the office and..." And as she talked, Michael listened attentively at this most astonishing creature. "Ooo! A business woman too! She has brains and beauty! And what a body! She's just so intelligent, and those eyes..." he tought to himself. By this time, Michael was looking dreamily into her eyes like a love sick teenaged boy that was afraid to ask this raven-haired Goddess out on a date. Kyla continued to babble: "...and can you believe that as I pulled up to the restaurant, my car stalled AGAIN! That valet must be soooo pissed with me right now!" she chuckled. The most beautiful laugh he had ever had the pleasure of hearing. Her laugh, to Michael, was like a harp playing in heaven. Michael thought: "Whew! Calm down Michael! She's only a beautiful woman! You've seen hundreds them before. Breathe...How can she be affecting me like this?" Kyla continued: "...and no one ever bothered to tell me I had lettuce stuck between my teeth!!!" And at that comment, both Michael and Don laughed out loud. "It's not funny you guys, " she said chuckling right along with them. "Whew! Now that I've gotten that off my chest...oh the food here." They ate, and laughed together, and she saw for herself how wonderful of a sense of humor he had. He laughed and joked right along with them and they talked about everything from what kind of toys they had when they were little to what kind of movies they loved. Don was a little more reserved, but he could tell some pretty funny stories too, though. Kyla simply fell more in love with this man's laugh, if that was possible. She could already tell his embarrasssed laugh from his excited laugh and his "that-was-very-funny" chuckle from his "the-only-reason-i'm-lauging-is-because-i'm-so-embarrassed" chuckle. She learned more from his that night
than she had ever learned from reading newspapers and magazines.
TO BE CONTINED.....(follow the link to Part 2) |